Who we are
We are Jones Mini Farm, located in the heart of Lowcountry South Carolina. Our journey started with one goat named Pig. She changed our lives. We needed her more than we thought she needed us.
Mission Statement
Jones Mini Farm produces and provides community members and livestock owners with natural farm sourced products and healthy productive livestock.
Our Vision
Jones Mini Farm aspires to be a sustainable resource of fresh natural products for our community. We desire to be recognized as a trusted resource of products and knowledge. Our goal is to be a credible name within the dairy and poultry communities for producing vibrant, productive, healthy, and parasite resistant livestock capable of living long productive lives.
For more on US and Pig the Goat visit our "About Us" section.

We pride ourselves in well-bred, high-quality, and healthy dairy goats. Our mission is not to breed as many as possible but to provide quality livestock that will become a positive addition to the families and farms we sell to. We breed for parasite resistance, breed conformation, and milking ability. We offer both pet-quality and American Dairy Goat Association and Minature Dairy Goat Association registered animals.